Sunday, January 29, 2012

What is the best hair style if your hair is all the way to your ankles, and i'm 4 foot 8 .?

should i cut it or keep it long?What is the best hair style if your hair is all the way to your ankles, and i'm 4 foot 8 .?
If i was you cut it but not all the way because it must of took ages to grow it i usually think a lady with full braids look excellent and it makes your hair look shorter in the sense they use alot of itWhat is the best hair style if your hair is all the way to your ankles, and i'm 4 foot 8 .?
CUt it , girls with extremly long hair is so obnoxious, i hate it and i know alot of my friends hate it to, im not saying cut it short but definetly get it cut above waist length, try donating it to locks of love, trust me u will look younger and be cuter
Cut for sure. I sugest getting it thined out if its to think also. I mean it'll be hot in the summer. You could put layers in it to. I mean if your hair is long the possibilitys are endless in what you could do with it.

Put it in a ponytail, and cut right above the ponytaill, and send it 2 locks of love! But keep it like to your shoulder blade length in layers around the face, maybe a suttle sexy bang!
CUT IT!!!! once your hair grows past a certain length, it becomes disgusting-looking and majorly nasty. i have nothing against long hair, but half way down your back is about as long as it should ever get.

cut itt.


i hatee that long of haair.

cut it about this short
urm...i would cut it as it may begin to smell if u cant look after it properly and u may have been after a new look for some time and im sure u wont regret it
Cut it and donate it!
cut it and donate it.
Please cut it your hair LOVE!!!!!
keep it long and have it braided
DEF cut it and donate it.

thatssss wayyyy tooooo longgggg
cut it
cut it! :/
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