Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Good hair styles?!?!?

i have dirt blond, curly , long hair. and i mean VERY curly. like taylor swift curly. im tired of just wearing it down. any cool up do's or tips?

p.s. its takes three hours to straighten my hair because i have so much and because its so curly and long. so dont even go there! hahaGood hair styles?!?!?
1. Pull a little of your front hair back and tie in the back of your had to make a 90% downdo and a 10% updo

2. Put your hair into a high messy pony tail, play with it till it looks good.

3. Never put it in pigtails

4. Braid it to one side so it falls over your opposite writing hand sholder

5. Don't straiten it, you might loose some of your beautiful curl

6. Keep wearing it down it sounds lovely so just mix it up a bit!Good hair styles?!?!?
I think when girls with curly hair braid it into pig tails looks really cute! I also like half up and half down. Have you tried hair accessories? Likes cute barrettes and headbands? How about Velcro rollers in the morning? It can smooth your curls out a tad to look more ';wavy'; I think maybe doing small little braids in the front of your head looks cute too. Like this..>

you could leave your hair down and braid a braid like that in the front, that would be cute. =)

Messy pony tails also look good with curls.
You could wear it in a low messy bun with bangs swept across the face like this:>
Yeah. Uhhh part ur hair one side larger than the other. Next put the larger siden in a ponytail, then wrap the smaller side around the side of the rubberband. put bobbypins in.

If u dont understand, then just do a messy ponytail.

OR, u can cut ur hair and make it strait that'll stay.

Hope that helped...
if you had a chi wouldn't take you three hours so i had to go there.. but hairstyles..hmm

try twist, braids, get some hair pins (bobbin and invisible) , rubber bands... and just start having fun with creating wacky but good looking styles..good luck
This site has some really cute long hairstyles for curly hair:> #1 is really cute I think. They also have more if you look at the other long haircuts and stuff too.
try this.. idk if it will work but try?>
ponytails are cute
messy buns
  • last lipstick
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