Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Artistic Hair Styles?

does anyone know of some cool and very ARTISTIC hair styles that would go with my long straight hair. I wouldnt mind cutting it, but no shorter overall than chin length.

Are there any websites with good ideas?Artistic Hair Styles?
Here are some nice hair style sites. Maybe you can find something helpful on one of them:

Matrix ->

The Hair Styler -

2 Hair Styles -

Hair Styles -

Hair Styles Design -

Hair Finder -

Wedding Hair Styles -

All Things Hair -

Good luck! =)Artistic Hair Styles?
[ig tales
oh no! dont cut your hair. Guys like their women with long hair. it is just so sexy. Try braiding them. You can style your long hair more than you can with a short hair.
Well, my cuz takes hers and puts a loose bun on the top of her head, and I do, cause it makes me look like I love my hair even though it's just a bun.

Alos, you could try highlights.

And by the way, nice hair. :D ( look at my avatar.)
ok heres whatI say to do from one artist to another.

get some angle bangs very stylish and personaly I love mine.

ok then cut it as shot as you'll go in lots and lots of layers.

and as for color if you're willing to color:

if you're blonde get lowlights and any other color get highlights.

I think this will be something like what you're looking for no to metion cool (temp. wise) for the rest of the summer! :)

hope I helped
dont cut it, ull regret it, just get a face frame streak ur hair, thts a hot look. or u can just curl ur hair, tht look is so in now
well if u want a good website use google it is hella pimp
Keep your hair long.

Curl it.
OK this may seem odd. but what i did with my hair when i was younger was, i out it up in a bac ponytail. and then i just cut b4 the hair tie, and it was a very kool cut. u an try it or go with something else

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